Ozzy Osbourne, the legendary frontman of Black Sabbath, has announced a full retirement from touring due to a series of debilitating health issues. After battling complications from Parkinson’s disease, spinal surgeries, and past injuries—including a severe fall that displaced metal rods in his spine—Ozzy has expressed the difficult realization that regular tours may be impossible. He canceled his European and UK dates earlier in 2023, marking the end of a decades-long touring era.
However, Ozzy still holds out hope for select farewell performances. His wife and manager, Sharon, mentioned plans for two final shows, emphasizing that Ozzy is eager to say goodbye to his loyal fans properly. Despite the setbacks, Osbourne’s voice remains strong, and he continues to pursue singing lessons. Moreover, Ozzy has voiced his desire to collaborate one last time with Black Sabbath’s original drummer, Bill Ward, though the details of such a reunion remain uncertain