In an unexpected and dramatic turn of events, Borussia Dortmund announced on Friday the cancellation of their highly anticipated Bundesliga match against Bayer Leverkusen. The decision comes after a flu virus outbreak within Dortmund’s squad, leaving several key players unable to participate.
The club revealed in an official statement that the health and safety of players, staff, and fans remain a top priority, prompting the last-minute cancellation. “It is with great regret that we must postpone this fixture, but the circumstances leave us no choice,” the statement read.
Bayer Leverkusen expressed understanding and support for Dortmund’s decision, though fans on both sides voiced disappointment over the abrupt news. With many already making travel arrangements for the match, frustration is mounting over the timing of the announcement.
The Bundesliga has yet to confirm a rescheduled date for the match, but Dortmund assured ticket holders they would be accommodated. This marks a rare occurrence in German football, highlighting the impact of unforeseen health crises on the sport.
Stay tuned for updates as Dortmund works to recover and return to action.