July 2, 2024


Toronto, June 22, 2024 — Toronto woke up to a somber reality today as one of its most beloved landmarks, the historic St. Lawrence Market, suffered significant damage in an overnight fire. The blaze, which broke out shortly after midnight, caused extensive harm to the south building, a cherished part of Toronto’s cultural and historical fabric.

Firefighters responded quickly to the emergency call, battling the flames for several hours before bringing the fire under control. Despite their valiant efforts, a substantial portion of the market’s structure has been compromised, and many vendors have lost their stalls and goods.

Investigators are currently on the scene trying to determine the cause of the fire. Preliminary reports suggest it may have been due to an electrical fault, but authorities have not ruled out other possibilities. No injuries have been reported, as the market was closed at the time of the incident.

Mayor John Tory expressed his sadness and concern over the event, stating, “The St. Lawrence Market is more than just a building; it’s a vital part of our city’s history and daily life. We will do everything in our power to support the vendors affected by this tragedy and to restore this iconic site.”

The St. Lawrence Market, which dates back to 1803, has been a central hub for Torontonians and tourists alike, known for its vibrant atmosphere, fresh produce, and unique artisan products. It has stood as a testament to Toronto’s rich history and community spirit for over two centuries.

Community members and local businesses have already begun organizing support efforts for the affected vendors. Crowdfunding campaigns and donation drives are being set up to assist those who have lost their livelihoods in the fire.

As the city mourns the damage to this treasured landmark, there is a sense of resilience and determination to rebuild and restore. The full extent of the damage is still being assessed, and restoration plans will be discussed in the coming days.

For now, Toronto grapples with the loss of a piece of its heart but stands united in its resolve to bring the St. Lawrence Market back to life.

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