July 7, 2024

Baseball can be a cruel sport sometimes even to a team like the Atlanta Braves where the vast majority of things seem to go their way. This is particularly true when it comes to prospects because the margin for error when it comes to finding major league success is so small. Just one injury or one failed adjustment is often the difference between a big league regular and a guy that never makes it out of the minor leagues.

Kolby Allard is one such case where things never quite lined up for him in Atlanta. When the Braves drafted Allard in the first round of the 2015 draft, it was viewed as a gift that he was even available at the #14 pick as he was in consideration for a top 5 pick before he suffered a back injury during his draft year. Allard would then blast his way through the minor leagues before making his major league debut in 2018.

Things took a turn for the worse after that, however. While Allard moved quickly through the minor leagues, he was never able to replicate the velocity he showed in high school and after a disappointing pro debut, the Braves ended up trading him to the Rangers in the Chris Martin deal. After struggling for a couple years in Texas, the Braves re-acquired Allard before the 2023 season and he made just four appearances before a nerve issue in his shoulder ended his season prematurely.

The Braves decided to let Allard walk and non-tendered him after the season and unfortunately, he signed with arguably the worst possible club as the Phillies snatched him up on a one year deal.

Kolby Allard signed a one year deal with the Phillies

It is never great news when a former player signs with a division rival and it is doubly true when that rival is actually a good team. While Allard’s upside at this point is questionable given his track record and recent injury history, he is still going to be able to provide some valuable information about the Braves to a Phillies team that is among Atlanta’s biggest threats in the National League next season.

That said, hopefully Kolby does well. He has always seemed like a really good dude that his teammates love. Even though things with the Braves did not work out in either of his two stops with Atlanta, it clearly wasn’t due to a lack of effort on his part. Baseball is unfair and talented guys end up struggling all the time. It would be awesome if he found a way to find success in Philly finally, although hopefully not too much for the Braves’ sake.

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