July 6, 2024

Lyon, France — Olympique Lyonnais has announced that assistant manager Jérémie Bréchet has terminated his contract with the club, citing personal reasons. The decision comes as a surprise to many, given Bréchet’s deep-rooted connection with the club and his recent contributions to the team’s development.

Bréchet, who has been with Lyon in various capacities over the years, including a distinguished playing career, has expressed his gratitude to the club and its supporters. In a brief statement, he mentioned, “It is with a heavy heart that I have decided to step down from my role. This decision was not made lightly, but it is necessary for personal reasons that require my full attention. I am forever grateful for the opportunities Lyon has given me and the support from the fans.”

Olympique Lyonnais’ president, Jean-Michel Aulas, acknowledged Bréchet’s departure with a note of appreciation. “Jérémie has been an integral part of our club’s history, both on and off the field. His dedication and passion for Lyon will always be remembered. We respect his decision and wish him all the best in his future endeavors,” Aulas stated. The club has not yet announced a replacement for Bréchet, but it is expected that the managerial team will work swiftly to fill the vacancy and maintain the stability and progress of the squad.

Bréchet’s departure comes at a crucial time for Lyon, as they navigate through the Ligue 1 season and prepare for upcoming fixtures. Fans and players alike are hopeful that the transition will be smooth and that the team will continue to thrive under the guidance of the remaining coaching staff.

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