July 7, 2024


*Edinburgh, June 12, 2024* — In a move that has sent shockwaves through the football community, Hibernian FC, known affectionately as Hibs, has announced the return of their former player, Scott Robertson, following a tragic personal incident. This unexpected development has stirred a mix of emotions among fans and the wider football world.

Scott Robertson, a talented midfielder who previously played for Hibs from 2013 to 2016, is returning to the club under heartbreaking circumstances. Earlier this year, Robertson faced a devastating personal loss with the sudden passing of his wife, Sarah, in a tragic car accident. The incident left him grappling with immense grief and the responsibility of raising their young children alone.

Hibs’ manager, Lee Johnson, expressed profound sympathy and support for Robertson during this difficult time. “Scott has always been a part of the Hibs family. We’re bringing him back not just for his skills on the field, but because he needs the support of his football family now more than ever. This is a time for the club and our fans to stand by him.”

The return of Robertson to Hibs is seen as both a professional and personal decision, offering him a familiar environment and a strong support network. Club captain, Paul Hanlon, shared his thoughts: “Scott is a remarkable player and person. We are here to help him through this tough period and to provide any support he needs.”

Fans have reacted with an outpouring of sympathy and solidarity, flooding social media with messages of support. The Hibs community is rallying around Robertson, showing that football is more than just a game; it is a family that comes together in times of need.

As Robertson steps back onto the pitch at Easter Road, he carries the weight of his loss but also the hopes and support of thousands of fans. His return is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of community.

Hibs’ upcoming matches will undoubtedly be emotionally charged, with the team and fans united in their desire to support Robertson through his grief and to celebrate his courage in returning to the sport he loves. The club has announced plans to honor Sarah’s memory in the forthcoming games, ensuring that her spirit is remembered and cherished.

In these difficult times, the return of Scott Robertson to Hibernian FC stands as a poignant reminder of the strength found in unity and the enduring bond of the football family.

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