In a heartbreaking announcement, tennis legend Novak Djokovic has officially declared his retirement from professional tennis, citing ongoing struggles with injuries as the primary reason for his decision. The 36-year-old Serbian star, widely regarded as one of the greatest players in the history of the sport, revealed the news during a press conference held after his recent exit from the Australian Open.
Djokovic shared that persistent injuries had significantly impacted his performance and ability to compete at the highest level. “It’s been an incredibly difficult decision, but after careful consideration and consultation with my team, I believe it’s time to step away from the sport that I love,” he said, visibly emotional. “I have given everything to tennis, and I will always cherish the memories and experiences it has brought me.”
Throughout his illustrious career, Djokovic amassed a staggering 24 Grand Slam titles, tying him for the most in history. His remarkable achievements also include numerous records, including weeks spent as the world No. 1 and victories over many of the sport’s greatest players.
Fans and fellow athletes have expressed their admiration and support for Djokovic, reflecting on his impact both on and off the court. “Novak has been a true inspiration to countless players and fans around the world,” said rival Roger Federer. “His dedication and passion for the game will be missed.”
As Djokovic embarks on a new chapter in his life, he leaves behind a legacy that will be remembered for generations. He has indicated that he will remain involved in tennis through coaching and mentoring young players, hoping to give back to the sport that has given him so much.
The tennis community continues to rally around Djokovic, celebrating his incredible career while mourning the loss of one of its brightest stars.